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Digital Signature

Digital Signature

Database Encryption

Our encryption is a fundamental form of defense that deals with security of the data itself. This means that even in the event of a system breach, compromised data is still only readable by authorized users in possession of the right encryption keys.

Our Main Aim for Encryption is based out on three value

  • Encryption
  • Key Management
  • Access Control & Audit

Bulk Signing & Centralised Signing Solution

We also support bulk signing either by integrating signing services on demand using our API (SDK available in Java and .NET) or by using our front-end watched folder application called Auto File Processor or AFP in this case no integration is required and your business application can be set-up to sign in minutes.

Digital Signature & Token

To provide you the facilities of durability and portability with security, we provide advanced USB tokens along with digital signatures . A USB token is a password-protected physical device in which the digital signature is stored. The token has a special built-in software to recognize and open digital signatures. The terms “USB token”, “e-token”, “dongle” and “digital signature token” are used interchangeably